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StackOverflow Developer Survey '24 Results

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    David Rhodes
Survey results graphic

Are You Selling Tech to Developers?

The latest StackOverflow Developer Survey results are in, and they've got the scoop on what matters most to us. 🤔 As a fellow software engineer, I'm sharing some key takeaways to help SaaS sellers better understand our needs and concerns:

  • 82% of developers learn to code using online resources, while only 49% learn in school 📚
  • Technical documentation is the top resource for learning, followed closely by Stack Overflow 📊.
  • Despite economic challenges, most developers are still full-stack or back-end engineers, with a growing proportion of those aged 35 and up
  • AI is not seen as a threat to jobs, with 70% of professionals disagreeing and 62% already using AI tools 🤖. The top concern? Salary decreases, with median salaries dropping for certain positions, including blockchain developers and site reliability engineers 💸.

What does this mean for SaaS sellers?

Focus on providing solutions that:

  • Offer high-quality technical documentation and support
  • Address any concerns around AI and job security
  • Provide value in terms of time-saving and efficiency
  • Built empathy with the growing demographic of older, more experienced developers

Some things to think about, tech to tech sellers! 📝 💻💡